Ruby on Rails 教程(第四版)
# 一个简单测试
# 编写测试文件
找到 test 目录下对应的测试文件
# 以下为之前使用 "rails generator controller StaticPages home help" | |
# 命令时自动生成的测试代码 | |
require 'test_helper' | |
class StaticPagesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest | |
test 'should get home' do | |
get static_pages_home_url | |
assert_response :success | |
end | |
test 'should get help' do | |
get static_pages_help_url | |
assert_response :success | |
end | |
end |
# 启动测试
rails test |
测试组件通过会以绿色显示,不通过的会以红色显示(颜色区分效果需要添加 MiniTest 依赖)
# 测试遇红及解决
在测试文件 static_pages_controller_test.rb 中添加如下代码
test "should get about" do | |
get static_pages_about_url | |
assert_response :success | |
end |
错误原因如下:NameError: undefined local variable or method'static_pages_about_url'
- 上面的错误消息提示我们没有定义获取 about 页面的 Rails 代码,实际上是提示我们需要在路由文件中添加相应路由规则
- 找到 config/routes.rb 文件,添加 "get'static_pages/about' 到文件当中
- 新增的代码告诉 Rails,将发给 static_pages/about 页面的 GET 请求交给 StaticPages 控制器的 about 方法进行处理,同时会自动创建一个辅助方法 static_pages_about_url
错误原因如下:AbstractController::ActionNotFound: The action 'about' could not be found for StaticPagesController
- 上面的错误消息提示我们 StaticPages 控制器缺少 about 方法
- 找到 StaticPages 控制器并向其添加 about 方法
错误原因如下:ActionController::UnknownFormat: StaticPagesController#about is missing a template for this request format and variant
- 上面的错误消息表明 about 方法缺少对应的模版文件,在 Rails 中模版就是视图
- 在 app/views/static_pages 目录中,新建一个文件取名 about.html.erb,加入自己需要的内容即可
# 高级测试技术初步了解
# MiniTest 报告
为了 Rails 应用的测试适时显示红色和绿色,需要在测试辅助文件中引入 MiniTest
# test/test_helper.rb 文件代码如下 | |
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test" | |
require_relative "../config/environment" | |
require "rails/test_help" | |
require 'minitest/reporters' | |
Minitest::Reporters.use! | |
class ActiveSupport::TestCase | |
# Run tests in parallel with specified workers | |
parallelize(workers: :number_of_processors) | |
# Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order. | |
fixtures :all | |
# Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here... | |
end |
# 使用 Guard 进行自动测试
频繁使用 rails test 命令进行手动测试,显得有点笨拙
为了避免这种不便,我们可以使用引入 Guard 自动进行测试
Guard 会监视文件系统的变动,并自动执行相应的测试
例如:修改了 static_pages_controller_test.rb 文件,那么 Guard 只会运行这个文件中的测试
我们还可以配置 Guard,让它在模版文件被修改后,也会自动运行对应的测试文件中的测试
# 引入 guard 依赖
# test 环境下的特有依赖 | |
group :test do | |
# gem "capybara" | |
# gem "selenium-webdriver" | |
# gem "webdrivers" | |
gem 'rails-controller-testing', '1.0.5' | |
gem 'minitest', '5.10.3' | |
gem 'minitest-reporters', '1.1.9' | |
gem 'guard', '2.18.0' | |
gem 'guard-minitest', '2.4.4' | |
gem 'rb-readline' | |
end |
# 初始化 Guardfile 文件
bundle exec guard init |
# 修改 Guardfile 文件
# 下面这行代码会让 Guard 使用 Rails 提供的 Spring 服务器,减少加载时间,而且启动时不运行整个测试组件 | |
guard :minitest, spring: "bin/rails test", all_on_start: false do | |
watch(%r{^test/(.*)/?(.*)_test\.rb$}) | |
watch('test/test_helper.rb') { 'test' } | |
watch('config/routes.rb') { integration_tests } | |
watch(%r{^app/models/(.*?)\.rb$}) do |matches| | |
"test/models/#{matches[1]}_test.rb" | |
end | |
watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.*?)_controller\.rb$}) do |matches| | |
resource_tests(matches[1]) | |
end | |
watch(%r{^app/views/([^/]*?)/.*\.html\.erb$}) do |matches| | |
["test/controllers/#{matches[1]}_controller_test.rb"] + | |
integration_tests(matches[1]) | |
end | |
watch(%r{^app/helpers/(.*?)_helper\.rb$}) do |matches| | |
integration_tests(matches[1]) | |
end | |
watch('app/views/layouts/application.html.erb') do | |
'test/integration/site_layout_test.rb' | |
end | |
watch('app/helpers/sessions_helper.rb') do | |
integration_tests << 'test/helpers/sessions_helper_test.rb' | |
end | |
watch('app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb') do | |
['test/controllers/sessions_controller_test.rb', | |
'test/integration/users_login_test.rb'] | |
end | |
watch('app/controllers/account_activations_controller.rb') do | |
'test/integration/users_signup_test.rb' | |
end | |
watch(%r{app/views/users/*}) do | |
resource_tests('users') + | |
['test/integration/microposts_interface_test.rb'] | |
end | |
end | |
# Returns the integration tests corresponding to the given resource. | |
def integration_tests(resource = :all) | |
if resource == :all | |
Dir["test/integration/*"] | |
else | |
Dir["test/integration/#{resource}_*.rb"] | |
end | |
end | |
# Returns the controller tests corresponding to the given resource. | |
def controller_test(resource) | |
"test/controllers/#{resource}_controller_test.rb" | |
end | |
# Returns all tests for the given resource. | |
def resource_tests(resource) | |
integration_tests(resource) << controller_test(resource) | |
end |
# 启动 Guard
bundle exec guard |
尝试修改一下控制器、模版视图、测试等文件,可以发现在修改保存后,guard 会自动执行测试